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Housing, facilities, economy, land... perspective.brussels collects and analyses the data essential to the development strategy of the Region. Learn more about these urban issues (French or Dutch)
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Our teams
Multidisciplinary team made up of town planners, architects, engineers, geographers, sociologists, economists, data managers, cartographers, etc.
This richness makes it possible to work on the different materials in a transversal manner.

From left to right and top to bottom:
Antoine de Borman, Gert Nys, Alfredo Corbalan, Sandrine De Meyer, Benoit Demeester, Stephane Dudart, Violaine Gratia, Cécile Houpert, Ouissam Nassiri, Caroline Piersotte, Frédéric Raynaud, Lara Soggiu, Carole Thays.
- perspective.brusselsinformation desk
- Antoinede BormanCEO
- GertNys
Brussels Institute for Statistics and Analysis (BISA)

From left to right and top to bottom:
Astrid Romain, Aina Astudillo Fernandez, Céline Brandeleer, Dries Cuyvers, Bram De Lange, Xavier Dehaibe, Cécile Devos, Anne Franklin, Amynah Gangji, Mattéo Godin, Jean-Pierre Hermia, Line Jussiant, Roger Kalenga-Mpala, Virginie Maghe, Pierre-François Michiels, Anna Mogielnicka, Gwendoline Moreau, Symi Nyns, Roger Pongi Nyuba, Joëlle Sallets, Diane Tennstedt, Arnaud Tignol, Pierre-Philippe Treutens, Morgane Van Laethem, Toon Vermeir, Isaline Wertz, Pierre-François Wilmotte.
Missing from photos : Richard Bodson, Sabrine Cipriano, Mathijs De Baere, Dieter Demey, Faiza Djait, Thomas Ermans, Amandine Henry, Caroline Picard, Olivier Poupaert. Vanie Roelandt, Iman Salem, Nils Schnitzler.
- AstridRomainDirector of BISA
Territoriale Knowledge

From left to right and top to bottom:
Jorge Puttemans, Ralph Boswell, Patrick Cassiman, Xavier Courtois, Louis de Grady, Steve Delhaye, Elisa Donders, Nathalie Duchene, Alexis Frey, Dalila Ghodbane, Annabelle Guérin, Emilie Hanson, Barbara Le Fort, Maarten Lenaerts, Martin Mercenier, Olmo Nieto Silleras, Guillaume Petit, Soukaina Rezgui, Ilse Taildeman, Yves Van de Casteele, Coralie Van der Stighelen, Simon Van Hooren, Jean-Michel Vanobberghen, Stéphanie Willems.
Missing from photos : Patricia Patermo, Marion Pourbaix.
- perspective.brusselsinformation desk
- JorgePuttemansDirector Territoriale Knowledge
Territorial Strategy

From left to right and top to bottom:
Mathilde Berlanger, Akara Chy, Sophie Cottier, Sven De Bruycker, Nicolas de Moÿ, Charlotte Demulder, Milène Deneubourg, Marie Didier, Léone Drapeaud, Corentin Dussart, Alexandre Ferrão Santos, Ann Geets, Valérie Lambot, Corentin Le Martelot, Caroline Lefevre, Sylvie Lemaire, Pierre Lemaire, Sarah Moutury, Ioulia Pankratieva, Fatime Rama, Natalia Rieznik, Sophie Van Kerkhove, Giel Vanhoutte, Sven Vercammen.
Not present in the photo : Salama Atchakhou, Géraud Bonhomme, Claire Bosmans, Christine Caliouw, Olivier Evrard, Kattï Rob.
- perspective.brusselsinformation desk
Secretariat of the Regional Development Commission (CRD)

From left to right :
Thierry Mercken, Sybille Beliard, Harmony Vanderborght, Beatrice Zannier
- ThierryMerckencrd-goc@perspective.brussels
School & Student Life Service

From left to right and top to bottom:
Anne Tréfois, Rodrigo Albea, Valeria Cartes Leal, Thibaut De Greef, Donatienne Deby, Anne Dujardin, Nadia El Moussati, Alice Glorie, Saraine Ifill, Marie-Eve Joret, Alin Teclu, Dorothée Tournay, Gaëlle Valcke, Elke Van den Bergh.
Not present in the photo : Catherine Dauvister
- perspective.brusselsinformation desk
- AnneTréfois
Transversal department

From left to right and top to bottom:
Myriam Ali, Sandrine Boeuf, Carol Buscain, Pauline De Bo, Stijn De Groote, Jason De Roeck, Nico Delveaux, Zineb El Alaoui Bouhni, Sophie Guiot, Madalina Leroy, Anthony Pierre, Joanan Schroder, Lin Thimpont, Madeleine Toko, Harmony Vanderborght, Dirk Vandervelde.
Missing from photos : Mohamed Amine Adjouri, Maud Charles, Yi Tung Chiu, Martine Desmet, Véronique Dhondt, Fadoua Dnidni, Céline Dupont, Nahida Hadouchi, Lorenz Haverans, Jorgen Heylenbosch, Irina Valiente O'Farrill.
- perspective.brusselsinformation desk
Team Bouwmeester maître architecte (BMA)

From left to right and top to bottom:
Kristiaan Borret, Julie Collet, Lola Durt, Jérôme Kockerols, Audrey Moulu, Guénaëlle Navez, Jean-Guy Pecher, Lydie Pirson, Frederik Serroen, Sieste Van Doorslaer, Tine VandePaer, Jasmine Wouters
Missing from photos: Theodoor Brackx, Elsa Marchal, Davide Cauciello.
- KristiaanBorretbouwmeester