Territorial Knowledge

Through analysis and observation, the Territorial Knowledge Department develops a vision of Brussels-Capital Region with a view to efficient spatial planning.

    The ponds of Ixelles

    The perspective.brussels Territorial Knowledge department analyses the urban, social, economic and environmental reality of Brussels districts in order to support harmonious regional development.

    To understand the urban issues (FR or NL version), the department builds observation tools (databases) and regularly monitors the evolution of land and buildings in the Brussels Region: housing, offices, shops, workshops, equipements, etc. It produces territorial diagnoses and thematic studies based on map making and data processing. Conducted upstream of urban projects (FR ou NL version), this work leads to recommendations for future development plans and public investment in housing and facilities of collective interest.

    In order to anchor its analyses in the realities on the ground, the Territorial Knowledge department employs experts that address a wide range of issues, thereby designing optimal territorial planning which is adapted to current realities and challenges. To this end, the department works closely with various actors in the field of areas that are essential to the development of the Brussels region: health and social services, the urban and innovative economy, culture and more.

    In 2021, in order to better integrate all citizens, collectives and associations in the design of projects, and therefore ultimately to improve the quality of these, it was decided to set up a new regional service for citizen participation. In 2022, this service was integrated into the Territorial Knowledge department. This new Participation Service is made up of a team of facilitators responsible for advising and supporting the participatory processes set up within the Region. Among other things, the service will develop a participation toolbox, which it can make available to public and private, regional or local operators.

    The Territorial Knowledge department also organises events and establishes partnerships with the academic world in order to share and encourage the production of knowledge about the Brussels-Capital Region, and to highlight current and future urban challenges.

    Find out more about urban issues (FR or NL version) and urban projects (FR ou NL version)

    Contact the team